Penguin Story: A Penguin Came to Kindergarten

A penguin came to the kindergarten, all the way from Antarctica.

The moment the big bad wolf saw the penguin, his eyes lit up: what a beautiful penguin! The front was all white, the back was all black; its eyes were bright, and it waddled as it walked.

The big bad wolf reached out a hand and touched the penguin’s white belly. “What a delicious cream popsicle!” The big bad wolf even put his fingers in his mouth and licked them, smacking his lips as if it really tasted good.

None of the kids wanted to be left out, so they all copied the big bad wolf. They touched the penguin’s white belly, then put their fingers in their mouths and licked them, smacking their lips and saying with a grin, “The cream popsicle is so good!”

“Waaah—!” Suddenly, the penguin started crying, its tears soaking the floor.

Auntie Deer hurried over. “The penguin’s white belly isn’t a cream popsicle. Big bad wolf, hurry and apologize to the penguin.” Hearing this, the big bad wolf quickly ran out of the classroom.

Auntie Deer was very angry. “That big bad wolf, just wait until I…” Before she could finish her sentence, the big bad wolf came running back in, holding a popsicle. “Penguin, it was my mistake, I thought your belly was a popsicle. I’m sorry. Here, I’ll give you a popsicle as an apology, okay?”

The penguin took the popsicle and licked it. Wow, it was cream-flavored and really delicious. The penguin had never tasted such a good popsicle before, and from the bottom of his heart, he forgave the big bad wolf. The kids all laughed.

Auntie Deer then led everyone to play on the slide. But the kids were too scared to climb up. The penguin, however, wasn’t afraid at all. He was the first to climb to the top of the slide and swoosh—down he went. The penguin’s body was very smooth, and since his back was black, he didn’t worry about getting dirty. Most importantly, the penguin had even slid down icebergs before, so sliding down a playground slide was no big deal.

Inspired by the penguin, the big bad wolf gathered his courage and climbed to the top of the slide as the second one to go. But instead of sliding down, he tumbled down—rolling and rolling.

After that, everyone followed the penguin’s lead and learned how to slide down the slide.

When it was time for the penguin to return to Antarctica, the kids couldn’t forget his white belly, black back, bright eyes, and waddling walk. The big bad wolf imitated the penguin’s walk the best. Whenever the kids thought of the penguin, they’d say, “Big bad wolf, walk like the penguin for us!” And the big bad wolf would immediately start waddling like the penguin.

Even now, the big bad wolf still waddles when he walks, and everyone says, “It’s so much like a penguin’s walk!”

Thank you for reading! ” Sitestorys “