Mother’s Day tale
Tomorrow is Mom’s special day, and little pig Aya is heading home with a big bouquet of wildflowers. Passing by the small garden, she catches the scent of dandelions again.
“Hello, Xiaoying!” Aya greets her warmly.
“Why did you pick so many wildflowers today? Are they for me?” Xiaoying asks.
Feeling a bit embarrassed, Aya says, “Xiaoying, I’m sorry, but tomorrow is my mom’s special day, and these flowers are for her.”
“Why didn’t you say so earlier? You can pick my flowers too to congratulate your mom!”
Aya sees that Xiaoying only has one flower in bloom and can’t bear to pick it, so she says, “Xiaoying, why don’t you make your flower bloom bigger and more fragrant tomorrow, and I’ll bring my mom to admire you!”
Early the next morning, as the sun rises, Aya takes her mom’s hand and goes to see the dandelion. She says, “Her name is Xiaoying, she’s my good friend. She bloomed this big and fragrant flower just for your special day.”
Mom says, “Today we’re having a dance party, let’s invite your friend Xiaoying to join us!”
“But Mom,” Aya says regretfully, “she’s a flower! She can’t walk or fly!”
“You’re right,” Mom turns to the dandelion and says, “It’s a pity, but we’ll come visit you often!”
Aya runs over, closes her eyes, and takes a deep breath, “Xiaoying, you smell wonderful!”
During the lunch party for Mom, Aya is the first to notice: many fluffy white parasols float in from the window, soaring high in the room, moving up and down, left and right, performing beautiful dances. Aya immediately guesses: these are dandelion seeds, sent by her good friend Xiaoying to celebrate Mom’s special day.
They dance in circles in the air, perform flips above everyone’s heads, then gather around Mom, circling her three times before flying out of the window, farther and farther away…
Mom says, “Thank you, Aya, and thank your friend Xiaoying too.”
Thank you for reading! ” Sitestorys “