Moral story for kids

The colorful rooster found a shiny gem. He held it in his beak, intending to go to town to sell it.

As he walked and walked, a big river blocked his path, and he anxiously paced back and forth. The white goose, seeing how worried the rooster was, walked over and said, “Ride on my back, and I’ll take you across the river.”

With the gem in his beak, the colorful rooster rode on the white goose’s back. The goose paddled vigorously, swimming towards the other side. When they reached the middle of the river, the rooster said, “I’m so lucky to have found such a valuable gem.”

The white goose said, “Yes, you will surely make a lot of money!”

The rooster thought about selling the gem, buying lots and lots of grains, and building a beautiful big house. As he was thinking about this, he laughed out loud, “Cluck, cluck, cluck.”

The white goose brought the rooster to the other side of the river, and the rooster hurriedly continued on his way, heading straight to town. He said to the gem store owner, the golden monkey, “I found a big gem. Please help me appraise and sell it.”

The golden monkey said to the rooster, “Sure, please take out the gem and let me have a look!” When the golden monkey said this, the rooster was dumbfounded, because there was no gem in his beak anymore. He muttered to himself, “I kept the gem in my beak all this time, how did it disappear?”

Smart children, you surely know where the colorful rooster lost his gem, right?


When the colorful rooster was riding on the white goose’s back and started talking proudly, he opened his beak, and the gem fell into the river.

Thank you for reading! ” Sitestorys