Monster Story: The Bristly Monster
In Monster City, there was a monster whose fur was incredibly bristly.
Whenever any other monster touched his bristly fur, they would get pricked and hurt.
No matter where the Bristly Monster went, the other monsters would keep their distance.
Some monsters even mocked him, saying, “You’re just a big bristly brush! Go sweep the floors!”
The Bristly Monster was very sad. He asked his father, “Did the heavens give me this bristly fur just so that other monsters would stay away from me and make fun of me?”
His father said, “In our Bristly Monster family, we’ve always had bristly fur. It’s something that can’t be changed. That’s why we’re all loners.” “Why can’t it be changed?”
“Because it’s always been this way!”
But the Bristly Monster refused to accept his fate. He started taking action, determined to change his destiny.
He bathed in very hot water, hoping it would soften his fur. While soaking in the hot water, his fur did soften a little. But as soon as he dried off, his fur became just as bristly as before.
He then rubbed fabric softener on his fur. But not only did it fail to soften his fur, it also gave him a skin rash.
“What can I do to make my fur soft?” the Bristly Monster wondered.
One day, as he was walking down the street, a poster floated down from the sky: “If you want soft, flowing curls, come to Monster Hair Salon.”
The word “soft” struck a chord in the Bristly Monster’s heart.
He decided to get his bristly fur permed. He thought, “Maybe if my fur is curly, everyone won’t avoid me anymore.”
So, the Bristly Monster went to the salon.
“I want to get my fur permed,” he told the salon owner.
The salon owner was very skilled and permed all of the Bristly Monster’s fur into curls. Although it was still bristly, it no longer pricked anyone.
Now, the other monsters no longer avoided him, and the Bristly Monster made many new friends.
The Bristly Monster was very happy and even gave himself a new name—Curly Fur Monster!
Thank you for reading! ” Sitestorys “