Little Turtle Story: Dream of Stardom
One day, the little turtle found a broken toy car. Only the base remained, with four intact wheels, making it look like a skateboard. Lying on top of it, it fit just perfectly, so well that no one could tell there was something hidden underneath.
The little turtle stretched out its neck, gave a strong push with its hind legs, and the wheels started rolling quickly.
Before long, the little turtle passed by a grocery store, where Mr. Badger was sitting at the entrance reading a newspaper.
“Hello, Mr. Badger!”
Mr. Badger looked up and saw a figure flash by.
“It looked like the little turtle, but how could a turtle run that fast?”
The little turtle passed by a puddle, splashing mud and water onto Aunt Goose’s drying sheets.
“Sorry, Aunt Goose!”
Aunt Goose ran out and only caught a glimpse of a small figure speeding away.
“It sounded like the little turtle, but how could a turtle run that fast?”
The little turtle reached a slope, and the skateboard started racing downhill. Oh no, a hedgehog was blocking the way.
“Move aside, little hedgehog!”
The hedgehog looked up, saw the little turtle shooting towards him like a rocket, and quickly rolled into the grass on the side of the road.
Haha! The little turtle enjoyed the thrill of speeding more and more, constantly chasing after greater speed.
“As long as I go fast enough, I believe I can fly!”
Soon, a rumor spread through the forest that the little turtle had become a speedster, as fast as the wind, even faster than the antelope.
The antelope, unwilling to accept this, decided to challenge the little turtle to a race. Since the little turtle had recently gained a lot of attention, some businesses took the opportunity to make him a product endorser, placing advertisements on his shell.
The little turtle, full of confidence, chose a steep, very steep slope as the race track.
With a loud bang, the race began. The little turtle tucked in its legs, started off, accelerated, and got faster and faster, quickly leaving the antelope far behind.
Just when everyone thought they were about to witness a miracle and the little turtle’s dream of becoming a superstar was within reach, the turtle suddenly soared into the air. Wow, he really did fly! But he didn’t stay airborne for long before crashing back to the ground with a “thud.”
Unfortunately, a small stone in the middle of the road caused a traffic accident.
Thanks to his hard shell, the little turtle wasn’t hurt, but the skateboard hidden underneath was exposed.
The little turtle’s dream of becoming a big star was shattered. However, he didn’t throw away the skateboard. Instead, he found a job as a delivery turtle. This job suited him well, though he never dared to speed again!
Thank you for reading! ” Sitestorys “