Imaginative children story
Uncle Niu brought a magical cow. Whatever color vegetables the cow is fed, it produces milk of that color.
The little white rabbit fed the cow yellow carrots, and it produced yellow milk. After drinking it, the little white rabbit turned into a little yellow rabbit.
The little black cat fed the cow green vegetables, and it produced green milk. After drinking it, the little black cat turned into a little green cat.
The little spotted deer fed the cow purple eggplants, and it produced purple milk. After drinking it, the little spotted deer turned into a little purple deer.
The gray fox fed the cow red tomatoes, and it produced red milk. After drinking it, the gray fox turned into a red fox.
The little animals were overjoyed because they could become a new version of themselves by drinking different colored milk!
But could they turn back to their original selves?
Uncle Niu said, “You just need to drink a cup of milk that’s the same color as your original self, and you’ll change back.”
From then on, whenever the little animals wanted to change their color, they would feed the cow vegetables of that color, making the animal world more colorful and beautiful.
- Understand the story and enjoy the fun brought by the magical imagination within it.
- Use bold imagination to create and develop new stories based on the plot.
★★★ Note: When parents tell this story to their children, they can ask, “What color and what vegetable would you feed the cow? What beautiful new outfits would the little animals get after drinking the milk?” This encourages children to use sentences from the second to fourth paragraphs of the story to tell their own versions. Parents can also ask children to draw the scenes they create and help record the stories they narrate.
Thank you for reading! ” Sitestorys “