Heartbreaking love stories online
In life, there are many unfortunate events, and the story of a certain girl makes us feel deep sorrow. If you were the boy in this story, what would you do? Would you still accept a girl who has been violated? The boy’s actions in this short, heart-wrenching love story will deeply move you.
A sweet and innocent girl was tragically assaulted by several men. After this incident, she began to lose hope in life. She thought about it for a long time and finally decided to end her life, but she couldn’t let go of the person she loved the most.
On the phone, she told her lover a story. After listening, the boy understood the underlying meaning of the story, but he couldn’t accept the reality so quickly. The boy asked the girl to give him some time to think—just 12 hours.
The girl anticipated this outcome. She forced a smile and said, “Alright, I’ll give you, and myself, 12 hours.”
As dawn broke, with a faint pink-gray light emerging in the east, the girl realized that there was no hope for her. She carefully dressed herself, looked at the sleeping pills, and reached for the phone. She felt a deep sense of reluctance and overwhelming helplessness.
At that moment, the phone rang—it was the boy calling.
“I’ve been thinking all night, and I want to tell you something,” he said.
“There’s no need to say it. I know what you want to say. Could you tell me ‘I love you’ one more time?” The girl poured the pills into her hand, over a hundred tablets filling her small palm.
“Hmm, I love you. Actually, this wasn’t your fault. You didn’t want it to happen, and it wasn’t something you could control. Can you promise me something?” The boy’s voice was gentle.
“Tell me, I’m listening. If I can do it in this short time, I’ll promise you.”
“My dear, before we get married, will you keep your second chastity for me, please?”
“What?” The girl looked out the window in confusion. “Isn’t there only one time? How can there be a second?”
“Yes, the first time wasn’t something you chose to lose, nor was it something you gave willingly to someone. Could you give your second time, the one you choose, to me? Will you do that for me?”
The phone and the pill bottle dropped to the floor at the same time, and tears began to stream down the girl’s face.
“Hello? What’s wrong?” The boy was terrified. He ran as fast as he could to the girl’s house. He couldn’t lose her—he loved her. It didn’t matter what had happened to her; she was his life, his angel, his only one…
When he finally reached her door, out of breath, it was wide open. The girl, her eyes continuously filled with tears, had been watching the stairs intently. He let out a long sigh of relief, “You’re okay… That’s all that matters. You scared me to death.”
The girl rushed to him, hugging him tightly, and whispered, “I’ll give you my second time, right now.” The boy kissed her tear-streaked face passionately. “No, wait for that day, when you’re ready to give it to me. I’ll wait, and you must wait too, alright?”
Thank you for reading! ” Sitestorys “