Donald Duck story
“Buying duck feathers! Buying duck feathers! High price for duck feathers!” Hearing the shout.
Donald Duck looked at his full and beautiful feathers and thought, “If I sell the feathers, buy a coat, and then have a meal at a restaurant, that would be great.”
He sold his feathers, had a wonderful meal, and wore his new coat, happily walking down the street.
At this moment, he heard the joyful quacking of ducks; it turned out the ducks were swimming in the pond.
Donald Duck rushed to the pond, threw off his coat, and jumped into the water.
However, instead of swimming forward, he slowly sank.
“Help!” Donald Duck cried out loudly.
The ducks quickly came over and rescued Donald Duck. They said to him, “You lost your precious feathers, so your body became smaller in the water, and you lost buoyancy…”
Donald Duck really regretted it; he shouldn’t have lost his precious feathers for money.
Thank you for reading! ” Sitestorys “