Chick and Gosling Tale

Once, a chick met a gosling.

“Why is your whole body snow-white, but your feet are pink?” the chick asked.

“I often wash my feet in cold water, so they turned pink,” the gosling said.

“If I also wash my feet in cold water, will my feet turn pink too?”

“That’s not certain, but you can give it a try,” the gosling replied.

So, the chick went to a small puddle, and the gosling used a jug to pour water over the chick’s feet, washing them. The chick waited for its feet to turn pink, but after a long while, they were still gray.

The other animals all said, “How funny, a little yellow chick with two gray feet!”

Once, the chick asked the gosling, “How can I grow up?”

The gosling replied, “You need to eat more. Boys should eat more porridge, and girls should eat more soup. Since you’re a little yellow-beaked chick, it’s best for you to eat strawberries, and then you’ll grow a bright red comb!”

The chick ate one strawberry, but no comb appeared. He ate another strawberry, but still no comb. He began to cry, and his tears made his eyes turn red.

The other animals saw the chick’s red eyes but couldn’t understand why. If it was because he ate red strawberries that turned his eyes red, that would be ridiculous. If it was because he was so sad that he cried his eyes red, that would be too tragic. Even the chick himself didn’t know the reason.

Despite everything, the chick felt incredibly happy living among his friends. He gradually learned many skills and understood many things.

Thank you for reading! ” Sitestorys “