The little leopard had never seen a chili pepper before. One day, the little leopard came to a chili pepper field and saw many green and red peppers. The little leopard thought they looked very pretty, so he picked one green pepper and one red pepper and started playing with them. After a while, the peppers broke from the little leopard’s playing.

The little leopard threw the broken peppers to the edge of the field and went to play elsewhere. Suddenly, a gust of wind blew a grain of sand into the little leopard’s eye, and he raised his paw to rub his eye.

“Oh my! It hurts so much!” The little leopard was in so much pain that tears began to fall. At this moment, a bird in a tree saw the poor little leopard and called out loudly, “Brave little leopard, don’t cry. And don’t move. It’s still early, so just lie there, close your eyes, and think about the happiest things. As you keep thinking, you’ll fall asleep, and when you wake up, your eye won’t hurt anymore.”

The little leopard was indeed a brave little leopard. He really lay down on the grass, closed his eyes, and slowly thought about happy things, his good friends, and his mom and dad. He even imagined himself turning into a bird and flying up into the tree to play with the bird that had spoken to him earlier.

As he thought and thought, the little leopard actually fell asleep.

When the little leopard woke up, his eye didn’t hurt at all. The sun was about to set, and the little leopard quickly lifted his head, wanting to thank the bird in the tree. But the bird had already flown away. The little leopard happily went home.

Thank you for reading! ” Sitestorys