Bedtime Story About Bear: Mr. Bear Lifts Weights

Maybe it was because he ate too much, or maybe it was his genes acting up, but Mr. Bear was getting fatter and fatter. He was almost as round as a ball.

Mr. Genie Rabbit, who kept in great shape, warned Mr. Bear, “You need to exercise, and you must control your diet, or else you’ll get as big as a balloon, and then—”

“What will happen then?” Mr. Bear asked worriedly.

“And then—’pop!’ you’ll burst!” Mr. Genie Rabbit made a rather frightening face.

Mr. Bear started to worry.

The next morning, Mr. Bear got up early. He walked out of his yard, through the leaf-covered path, and into the forest.

Mr. Bear thought, “What should I do for exercise? Running, jumping, or maybe a tug-of-war with someone?”

Finally, he saw a big mushroom by the river. The big mushroom looked very nice, strong, and healthy—not too fat, not too thin.

“That mushroom is in such good shape,” Mr. Bear thought, “mainly because she’s always lifting the big roof of her house. I could practice weightlifting too!”

Just then, he saw a rather thick piece of dead wood by the side of the road. He picked up the dead wood to practice weightlifting.

Suddenly, he heard the dead wood shouting, “Put me down, put me down, what are you doing?”

Mr. Bear was so frightened that he quickly put the dead wood back on the ground.

From one end of the dead wood, two brown squirrels crawled out. They said, “This is our villa! Why are you causing trouble?”

“Sorry!” Mr. Bear said, “I didn’t know you lived here. I’m too fat, and I need to exercise.”

Brother Squirrel said, “Mr. Bear, haven’t you noticed that your yard is overgrown with weeds and littered with garbage? If you spend every day planting flowers and sweeping the yard, that would be the best exercise for you.”

“Yes,” said Brother Squirrel, “and if you could also sweep this little forest path while you’re at it, everyone would be grateful, and your body would get super strong.”

Mr. Bear was delighted to hear this. He thanked the squirrel brothers for their advice and realized he had found the best way to exercise.

From then on, every day, he planted flowers, watered them, tilled the soil, and got rid of pests in his yard. He also swept the narrow path through the forest clean. Every time he reached that piece of dead wood, the squirrel brothers would pop out of their “villa” and each give Mr. Bear a sweet apple.

With joyful labor and sweet apples, Mr. Bear became very strong and healthy.

Thank you for reading! ” Sitestorys “