Lion Story: Little Lion’s Big Trouble

“I really wish I had beautiful straight hair!” he shouted. “I hate my hair right now!”

Georgia rushed into Little Bear’s barbershop, shouting, “I want a perm!”

Little Bear said, “You have such beautiful curly hair, why would you need a perm?”

Georgia said, “I don’t like curly hair, straighten it just like in the picture.” Little Bear had no choice but to give the lion a perm.

The hair was straightened, but Georgia looked left and right and still felt dissatisfied. “This is driving me crazy!” Georgia got angry, and all his straight hair stood up.

“What kind of hair do you want then?” Little Bear asked.

Georgia said, “I don’t want it curly, and I don’t want it straight.”

This made Little Bear scratch his head. Neither curly nor straight, was there such a hairstyle?

After a while, Little Bear said to Georgia, “Sit down, I’ll make your hair neither curly nor straight.”

The hair was permed again. Haha, Georgia’s hair turned out like this. Little Bear said, “Let me teach you, this is called a zigzag, it’s neither curly nor straight.”

Georgia didn’t say a word, he covered his head and hurried home, afraid someone would see him.

On the way, he saw little lion Mary being surrounded by a group of hungry hyenas. Georgia quickly rushed over and roared, his hair standing up completely. The hyenas saw him and laughed, “Look at that ridiculous hairstyle, so funny!” The hyenas closed in on Georgia and Mary step by step. At the critical moment, luckily, Georgia’s dad appeared just in time and saved them both.

Georgia looked at his dad’s curly hair fluttering in the wind, it was so handsome. He thought, “I… I wish I still had my curly hair.”

The next day, Georgia woke up and touched his head. Great! It turned out to be just a nightmare! His curly hair was still there! Haha, Georgia loved his hair so much!

Georgia never hated his hair again. He remembered what his mom had said, “Whatever you have, you should be proud of it and fully enjoy it.”

Now, Georgia had become a boy who liked his own hair. Not because he had to, but because he learned to accept his appearance.

Thank you for reading! ” Sitestorys “