Flat Beak and Pointy Beak
Goose Brother wanted to find a partner to be friends with.
At this moment, a little chick walked by.
The chick said, “Goose Brother, can I be your good friend?”
Goose Brother said, “No, your beak is too pointy, mine is not pointy.”
At this moment, a little duck walked by.
The little duck said, “Goose Brother, can I be your good friend?”
Goose Brother said, “No, your beak is too flat, mine is not flat.”
Goose Brother didn’t want to be friends with the chick, nor did he want to be friends with the duck.
The chick said to the duck, “Then let’s be friends.”
The duck caught snails for the chick to eat, and the chick caught bugs for the duck to eat.
They played very happily together.
Goose Brother watched them enviously and carefully asked, “I’ve changed my mind. Can I play with you?”
And so, the three partners became good friends.
Thank you for reading! ” Sitestorys “