The little ostrich saw an eagle flying in the sky and said enviously, “If only I had a pair of strong wings like the eagle!” The little ostrich lowered its head and stared blankly at its own wings.
Ostrich mother came over and asked the little ostrich, “What’s wrong?”
The little ostrich said, “How unfortunate we are, unable to fly in the sky.”
Ostrich mother said, “Although we can’t fly, we have strong legs. When we run, even cars can’t catch up with us. There is nothing perfect in the world. For us, it is most important to leverage our strengths and avoid our weaknesses.”
The little ostrich listened to its mother and diligently trained in running, eventually developing excellent skills.
Look at him run like the wind; isn’t that a wonderful kind of ‘flying’?”
Thank you for reading! ” Sitestorys “